Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Spirit day

Last week it was spirit day and we had to dress up as our hero. I could not wait until it was the day because I wanted to show everybody my David Beckham shirt that I have. I was going to dress up as Christiano Ronaldo but I couldn't find my shirt. When I got there I saw lots and lots of people all dressed up. Brandin dressed up as a army engineer and Mrs Whitwell dressed up as Evil Kenevil. 


  1. Hi Jake!

    Do you like Manchester United or Manchester City? I like Manchester United. I want to be in your school and dress up like Park Ji Sung. It is because he came from Korea and he was once a player who played for Korea. But he is now playing on Manchester United.

    1. Oh hi jimmy my favorite soccer player is Christiano Ronaldo and he was in manchester united
